Ever since I became a Mom, I have loved Mother's day. However, one Mother's day is unforgettable. Five years ago on Mother's day, Lydia was born. She has been the best Mother's day present ever! This year, it was her birthday on Mother's day. I was happy to share my day with my sweet little girl, who has been such a joy to our family. It was fun to have her join me for breakfast in bed on Sunday morning, she thought that was pretty neat also.
Happy 5th birthday Lydia!
This year Lydia wanted a Ballerina Party.
She had been waiting all year for her birthday.
Her party was the Friday before her birthday, at 4pm. It was a long day waiting for all her friends to arrive.
Then they came and the dancing fun began!
One of the games was a Freeze Dance
Ballerina Favors
Ballerina Slipper Cake
On Sunday she blew out candles again on 1/2 the cake. She had a heck of a time blowing them out, which made us all laugh. She told me later that her wish was just have a happy birthday.
I'm pretty sure her wish came true.