Friday, September 5, 2008

Back to School

The kids started school this week. They were all excited to head back, however we all agreed summer went way to fast. This year I have three in school. They are getting bigger, but they are still my babies. I'm glad they each like school and that they look out for each other while they are there.

On the Friday before school started we found out Landon and Mason weren't going to continue in a 3/4 split class. Instead they would move up to a 4/5 split class. This change brought on a new teacher for them, one who typically teaches 5th grade. All of the sudden they seem like thea big kids on campus. Where did the time go?

Here Mason has found his desk.

Landon was excited to find his desk next to a good friend from last year.

The boys were also asked to be "greeters" this year. It is a program at our school, where a group of students greet fellow students and parents each morning and after school. Landon and Mason love this kind of stuff. Their spot is the front of the school. On the first day I went along with them. I had to keep reminding them that they didn't need to have a long conversation with each person that came by. They are funny boys with always something to talk about.

Below is Landon greeting.

Landon doing a back to school pose.

Lydia has been counting the days until she would start school. She was all smiles on the first day of school. We are excited for her, but we hate to see her grow up so fast.

We have a little in with one of the Kindergarten teachers at the school. She happens to be Grandma! It's nice to know Grandma is just down the hall from Lydia, and that she can keep tabs on her. Lydia's teacher Miss. Karow was mentored by Grandma last year.

We live by several kids that are going to Kindergarten this year. So catching the bus with some of Lydia's friends is so much fun.

There she goes. How fun it is to be 5!I was one of those funny moms that went to the school to see her get off the bus.

Lydia's in a large class this year with 2 times as many boys than girls. I took this picture and realized I didn't have one girl in it. I don't think she will notice the small number of girls in her class, she is pretty use to boys.

Finally, I'll let her go.


Mrs. Budge said...

wow, those are some good odds Lydia! Nice to have grandma there to help keep the little boys at bay.

Camille said...

I have all brothers and my dad used to say I was a rose amongst the thorns. That picture of Lydia with all the boys makes me think of that saying. She is just so darling and stands out in her cute little red dress and pigtail braids.

Tara said...

Cute picture of Grandma and Lydia. It definitely is hard to finally walk away and leave them on that first day of school.

I agree that she looks real cute in that sea of boys.

Findlay Family said...

Cute pictures. Looks like everyone is happy to be back in school. Jack's class is the opposite-more girls than boys. They are lucky to see Grandma everyday!

Andria said...

Your family is co cute and it is amazing how fast time flies!! Hope you are all doing well!

Jackie said...

I always like to be at the school when they get off the bus on the first day also. When my kids go to kindergarten it always makes me sad. They seem so grown up!

Mason and Landon will be great greeters! Watch out for the changes this year. Austin seemed to "grow up" so much in 4th and 5th grade.

Miss Jackie said...

How cute! It's great to see them so excited to go back! Lydia is so cute and looking all grown up!

Michelle said...

Oh wow, your kids are getting SO big! Lydia looks so cute and grown up. Where does the time fly.