Sunday, September 20, 2009

Back to School

The kids returned to school the Wednesday after Labor Day. It's hard to believe that my two "not so little" boys are in 5th grade. They were pumped the first day of school because they are now the big kids in the building. They are always eager to be involve at school. They are greeters again this year and they also help get all the kids to school safely by being part of safety patrol. Because these activities require them to arrive to school before the rest of the kids, they leave 20 minutes before Lydia and often choose the quickest mode of transportation -their bikes!
I always watch them leave from my front window. This is what it looks like on most days. And often this is what I am thinking "What a blessing it is that they have each other!

Lydia also started 1st grade! I was sad to see her leave me for the whole day, but I know that she is ready and is so glad she loves school.

The biggest adjustment has been for Jacob. He's best playmate is his big sister, and now that she is gone all day and not just during nap time (last year- Kindergarten), it has been a big change for him.

But Jacob and I lived it up the first two days of school.

Day 1 back to school: Jacob was invited to a birthday party at Chuck-e-Cheese. He wasn't much for rides as discovered air hockey, and many ball games.

Day 2 of back to school: Jacob and I hit the Puyallup Fair with our friends Tara and Natalie. Jacob loved seeing the animals, especially the cows. I think there is a little bit of dairy lovin' in his blood;)

Day 3 back to school: Landuary, Landuary, bathrooms, grocery store. But best of all more one on one time with Jacob.


Andria said...

It is always so much fun seeing your cute family. I cannot believe your boys are in 5th grade. How time flies!! Have fun being home with one again.

Islander said...

It is about TIME!
You and your sister are so much alike (catching up on blogging the same time). Glad you featured Zeke in PINK for his brothers to enjoy. We are so happy to be apart of so many of these special events with you guys!