Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's a man thing!

What Zeke has been up to this last month:

His new set of wheels!

His beard after one week. Zeke will be in a play the end of November that our Stake (Church) is putting on. He is an ancient Temple Priest, thus the reason for the beard. Now I am not a fan, and I tried my best to convince him to just buy one, but he was SO excited to have an excuse to see how he would look in one and how much it will actually grow. Oh, how I look forward to Dec. 2ND when he will shave it, or at least I hope he will. And it doesn't help that everyone has been complementing him on it!

He's all grins this month as he drives his new truck with is growing beard!


Michelle said...

I have to say it does look good. But then I like the scruffy unshaven look. I wish Blake would do that.

LOVE the new set of wheels!! How fun, now you just need a boat to go with it ;)

NATE-E-BOY said...

keep it!

Matt and Jama said...

Now you need just need a dog, 4-wheeler or gun rack to make it all complete.

Jackie said...

Yes, what more could a man want. A truck and not to have to shave. I think Brian is jealous!

susie said...

I would hate if Dennis had to grow a beard! I don't mind how it looks, but hate kissing scruffy face! Good luck!

Findlay Family said...

What, you think because you drive a truck now you have to look the part! Nice Truck Zeke. Welcome to the Ford Family, took you long enough! Good color, and I'll bet you're glad you went with the crew-cab instead of the extra-cab. I get a ride when we meet again. Now you need some Pimpin Wheels!