Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Where do we begin?

It's no secret that it's been awhile since we have posted anything. These last few months have been crazy for our family. We have been up to many things these last several weeks. There have been several activities especially with school coming to an end. Zeke has been traveling back and forth to Utah working for Quest while I have been at home keeping up with the kids and trying to keep a clean home to show at a moments notice (with a 1 year old). With all this going on something had to give and unfortunatly blogging was what had to be cut out for awhile. But now we return and hopefully we'll be able keep this site updated occasionally.

For those that haven't heard, last week our family decided to shut down the "moving business" (quoted by our kids). We have been faced with many decisions during this whole process. I could try and explain all that has happened but honestly, I don't even know if I could possibly make any sense. In the end Zeke decided to take an offer to go back to his former job in Bellvue, where he works on a committee researching the Microsoft/ Real Networks Anti-trust lawsuit.

There were so many things our family looked forwarded to in Utah, yet at the same time we were sad about leaving Washington. We could be talked into either place and at times felt like it was impossible to make a choice. Maybe in the end it was the losy housing market that determined our decision.
This has been a very emotional and stressful time in our family but overall we have felt the lord bless our lives and teach us a few lessons along the way. We don't quite know what the future holds for our family but for now our family is looking forward to having quiet relaxing summer.
So here are some highlights from the last 5 weeks.
(They all really deserve there own post)
School Play:


May 17th 2008

Staring: Landon Evans as an Elephant

Also starring: Mason Evans as an Elephant

The school play this year was really cute. Each song was coriographed and the costumes were so cute.

Science Fair
May 30th 2008

Having two science experiments at the same time was some what crazy, but we managed to get them done and the boys had great time they can't wait until next year.

Landon's experiment tested the power of yeast. He made three types of bread with variable amounts of yeast.

Mason choose the power of air in a bounce and he recorded how high a ball would bounce with varible amounts of air.

Memorial Weekend Camping Trip

May 2008

Carnation, WA

How can you not love to camp with scenery like this?

For several years our family has gone camping over Memorial Weekend. The Tolt river in Carnation, WA is one of our favorate places to camp. Over the years many other family friends have joined us making it a annual tradition for all.

Mason enjoyed telling ghost stories around the campfire.

On Saturday we spent the day at Remlinger. It's a country fair park that is perfect for families and young children. Landon and Mason are slowly growing out of it, however they have such fond memories of going for many years they still loved it.

The weather was perfect and the lines were short, so the kids rode this roller coaster close to 20 times. I love seeing my kids have so much fun.

We took a few rides on the trian as well.
Pure Joy!

Jacob was a great camper.

These are just some of the kids that camped with us.

Fun times!!

Uncle Josh McKinney

Josh and his family were here last week. It was great to see them. Jacob took right to Josh. In fact he pushed me away right before I took this picture. Josh has the touch!!

Sound to Narrows 12K

June 14th 2008

My good friend Holly talked me into running a 12K with her. I have to admit I was not very excited about running a 12K. All I had ever heard about this race is how hilly it is. I tried to talk her into the 5K portion of the race, but to no avail we signed up for the 12K. In the end, it was great, and I was glad Holly pushed me to do it. The race runs through Point Definance Park along the sound. It was beautiful! I hope to do it again next year. Later, that afternoon we met a man in Safeway, who said this was his 36th year running the race, WOW!
He had to be at least 70.

Jacob participated in the diaper dash, crawling race. He's kind of lazy when it comes to walking.

Go Jacob!!!
Landon, Mason and Lydia ran the Junior Shuffle 2K. This was Lydia's first race, and we were so proud of her, she ran the whole time smiling. Each of them recieved a medal when they finished, and also a loaf of bread.


susie said...

Sorry we won't be doing lunch soon! But, I'm happy for you to be able to stay in WA. All your pictures are so cute! I would love to come up there and run a race w/ you guys...how fun to see Holly...wish she'd start a blog...or at least comment on ours! ;)

Holly Beaird said...

Yeah...your back! Cute Pictures, I think I did that same science project with air in high school, very impressive. I hate my gut showing in the running picture--oh well. I need to go comment on Susies blog.

Findlay Family said...

Looked like fun times! Glad you're back to blogging!

Miss Jackie said...

How fun! THat picture of Josh w/Jacob is darling! You guys are always doing fun things. I'm sad you won't be in utah, but it looks like you're having plenty of fun up there too. Moving is extremely emotional- either way- so I'm glad you've finally come to a decision that will make you happy and be good for your family!

kj said...

Wow! A lot has been going on for you guys. I can't believe how big Jacob is getting. Glad to hear that you're all back together again full time! I'm sure that your ward and stake are relieved that you won't be leaving the area. Keep up the blogging - I missed you!

Andria said...

Stephenie!!!! It's Andria McCaul from Utah. I was going through some old boxed and came upon Christmas cards and saw your card with your blog on it. I had to check it out!! Your family looks great. I am so glad to see all of your children and your life. I sure wish Utah was where you were coming but I am sure moving is the last thing you want to do. I am excited to have found your blog now maybe we can stay in better contact. Our blog is mccaulfamily.blogspot.com
I would love to check in on you more often. I hope you are all doing well!!

behka said...

I am so happy/sad about your decision to stay in WA. It is amazing how life works sometimes! Awesome job on the 12k! It was so fun to see a pic of Holly, too. Tell her I said hello if you ever talk with her!