Saturday, December 26, 2009

Busy and festive December

Our December was filled with many festive activities. Made for an eventful and very fast month!!!

December 1st
Piano Recital
It was Landon and Mason's 14th recital and Lydia's first!
Each of them did a great job!
Landon played: Santa Claus Swing in to Town and Raiders
Mason played: Up on the Housetop and Minute
Lydia played: Jingle Bells and Claire De Lune

Landon and Mason always throw a twist into the traditional piano recital. For example last year Landon dressed up like Santa and made a grand appearance.
This year they "rocked around the Christmas tree" while their friend Madison played
"Rock in Around the Christmas Tree"
December 5th
Neighborhood Donuts with Santa
It's always fun to start out the month sharing a donut with Santa at our neighborhood community center. We were thrilled when Jacob eagerly jumped onto Santa's lap this year and gave him his wish list.

Later on December 5th
Gingerbread House at Top Foods Grocery Store
Lydia loved making a gingerbread house at our local grocery store. Mom was trilled because all the goodies for the house was provided and the mess stayed there:)

Evening of December 5th
Lydia in the Santa Parade
Lydia marched in the Auburn Santa parade this year with her Dance Theatre.

She was a cute little soldier!

She had fun being in the parade with her friend McKenzie.

December 16th
Grandpa's Retirement Dinner
It was really fun for our family (minus Jacob) to attend a retirement dinner for Grandpa. He has worked for Weyerhauser for 36 years and is retiring the beginning of January. Many kind words were spoke about him and yummy food was enjoyed by all.
Grandpa's and a few of his current co-workers.

December 19th
Mill Pond Ward Polar Express Christmas Party
Our ward had a magical Christmas party this year. The theme was Polar Express. The kids wore their PJ's just like the Polor Express and ate breakfast and even went on an imaginary train ride.
Landon below with Santa
Later on December 19th
Lydia's Christmas Dance Recital
She enjoys her dance class with two of her friends: McKenzie and Carly
December 22nd
Lydia, Grandma and Stephanie attended the Nutcracker in Seattle right before Christmas. It was so good. All three of us enjoyed the show so much! We figured out the last time Stephanie and her Mom went to the Nutcracker in Seattle was when Stephanie was pregnant with Lydia.

December 23rd
Snowflake Lane: Bellevue, WA
Zeke works right next to a large shopping area in Bellevue and every night in December there is a street show with a whole drum line, characters, snow, music, etc. Stephanie and the kids drove up one night and meet Zeke and attended the festivities. It's always magical for the kids, especially the little ones.


Matt and Carla said...

Sounds like your Christmas was a festive one w/ many traditions that go hand in hand with the season! You kids look cute and are all growing up so fast.

Tara said...

Wow, all that fun and that didn't even include Christmas Eve and Christmas...or the girl party! :)

What a fun month!

Jenn said...

Merry Christmas Evans clan! So many fun holiday happenings! Looks like you guys have made some great memories. It's such a fun time of year. We enjoyed your Christmas photo. I'd love to know where you got those darling paper clips!

Jackie said...

Lydia looks so pretty in her white coat and hat. We love Snowflake lane. We've gone there for the pat 3 years.