The last weekend of Feburary was fun. My sister Melissa came into town with her husband Chris his work. He needed to attend a show held over on the coast in Ocean Shores. We were able to catch breakfast Friday morning with them in Auburn before they had to head out to the coast. But a few hours of seeing her was not enough for my mom and I. Since Chris was going to be working a show most of Saturday we decided we would drive over early Saturday morning and keep her company for the day. Being February and the Washington coast, the weather was definitively not the greatest. When we were about 30 minutes from Ocean Shores, Melissa called and wanted to let us know the power was out in the whole town. She didn't know what exactly we would do in the dark and rain, but we insisted it wasn't the weather we were coming for. It's not very often that the 3 of us get to spend time together with out our children or husbands, so we were going to make the most of the day regardless!
Even though I brought my camera with me that day, I failed to take any pictures. Guess I pictured taking one of us with the ocean in the back ground, but it was just too darn windy to want to even attempt walking on the beach. Thank goodness for access to pictures on the web, I am able to document our day with pictures that just don't include us with our wind blown hair.
A favorite stop place for my family along the coast is Seabrook. It's a cute new town 20 minutes from Ocean Shores with quaint home that give a Cape Code/ Norman Rockwell feel. Melissa had only heard us talk about Seabrook, so she was excited to see it. Lucky for us Seabrook still had their power and the rain died down when we were there too.

We timed our visit quite right as there was a Chocolate Festival going on.
(Can't think of a better type of festival!)
We were able to do a chocolate scavenger hunt that took us through Seabrook, and their sites.
After we went to the Elementary School in Pacific Beach where we sampled an array of chocolate! Surprisingly enough to make us sick of Chocolate for a while.
Our favorite part of the festival was attending a truffle class at the Iron Springs Resort.
In the brown cabin on the right side of this picture we watched and the "The Chocolate Man" make truffles. We sat in the cozy chairs that over looked the ocean, by the fire, eating delicious handmade truffles.
Didn't matter the weather at this point, it was wonderful regardless.
It wouldn't be mom/sister time with out a little shopping. However the shopping along the coast is pretty sparse. After browsing the one boutique in Pacific Beach we hit the thrift stores. Nothing against thrift stores, I actually get excited about finding a good deal at one every now and then. But this Wacky Warehouse was like shopping the dumpster. Everything was well use, or completely worn out right down to the dirty forks that still had food on them. It was an experience and a memory!
We enjoyed the Chocolate Festival and the towns along the WA coast, but more than anything it was just great being together.
1 comment:
Time with mothers and sisters is priceless! Sounds like a perfect day.
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